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Open Position


 PhD theses

In principle, we offer positions for PhD students (f/m/d) in the field of research on metal-organic framework compounds (MOFs) or nanoparticles. Please contact the head of the research group.

Your task:

In your doctoral thesis, you will conduct research on current prorous materials or nanoparticles, for example on aspects of gas or vapour sorption, dye or enzyme incorporation, medical drug transport or catalysis.

During the doctorate, you will learn how to independently use modern analytical equipment for further professional qualification. During the internship supervision, you can practise dealing with staff.

Your profile:

  • Good completed Master's degree in chemistry, biochemistry or a related subject
  •  Sound knowledge of German and English, both written and spoken
  •  High motivation and ability to work in a team
  •  Very reliable and conscientious work style

Our offer:

  •  A chemically cutting-edge research topic, partly also interdisciplinary in cooperation with other research groups
  •  A very good working atmosphere
  •  Excellent scientific and technical infrastructure at the chair - optimal conditions for a successful doctorate
  •  Learning and independent use of modern analytical equipment for further professional qualification
  •  A highly motivated working group as well as an international and interdisciplinary working environment
  •  Continuous professional supervision
  •  Further training offered by the international graduate school iGrad at Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf
  •  Remuneration in accordance with tariff part 13 (50%) of the collective agreement of the public service (TVöD-Land)
  •  We aim for you to complete your doctorate in 3 to 3.5 years; if you are very successful, you are welcome to complete your doctorate in less than 3 years.


Research group Prof. Dr. Christoph Janiak "Nanoporous and nanoscaled materials".

Institute for Inorganic Chemistry and Structural Chemistry
Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf
Universitätsstr. 1
D-40225 Düsseldorf
Tel. int+49-211-81-12286
Secretary Mrs. J. Bourgeois
Tel. int+49-211-81-11580
Email: janiak@uni-duesseldorf.de




Topics for research internships, Bachelor's theses, Master's theses and other types of theses are assigned on a continuous basis and are not explicitly advertised. If you are interested in doing a thesis with us, please feel free to contact us. Let us know your degree programme, the degree you are aiming for and the desired time period for the thesis.

For a thesis, you will be assigned to a doctoral student who will then supervise you specifically. As a result, you can expect in-depth supervision and excellent equipment. We are proud that final theses are always included in scientific journal publications, for which you will then be a co-author.


Please send your enquiries in good time (at least three months before the planned start date) by e-mail to Ms Jutta Bourgeois or Prof. Christoph Janiak. Afterwards, we look forward to meeting you in person.


Responsible for the content: A.Ricken : Contact by e-mail